Breeding with passion

SEVEN HILLS - racing pigeons
Only 12 cocks and 28 hens of the famous stock birds from the best lines of LEO HEREMANS, DIRK VAN DEN BULCK, RUDY VAN REETH/KAREL LAENEN, RUDI DIELS, DIRK VAN DYCK, JUUL VAN LOOVEREN, GUSTAAF BOECKMANS and EDDY CALUWÉ as well as brothers and sisters from top racers of the previous top racing loft HELMUT HAINSCH (e.g. TITELSAMMLER-family and TRIPLE ONE) are providing for youngsters.
New: From 2025 a son of REMCO and a son of PRIMUS fromm Jos Cools will breed on the 7Hills breeding loft.
Breeding Book 2025

Breeding cocks
BLAUWE BERND is an excellent cock. He is half brother of BLAUWE LEO and a son of the top breeder B-3608. The descendants of B-3608 have won more than 50times a 1st price. B-3608 is also father of BLAUWE LEO from Dirk Van den Bulck, which is father of SAGAN, 6times 1st price winner.
BLAUWE BERND is a double grandson of OLYMPIADE 003, Olympiade bird Lievin 2003, 2nd nat. asduif Snelheid KBDB 2002. His father comes from the famous couple OLYMPIADE 003 x GOUDKLOMPJE. His mother is a sister of JACKPOT and DE POWER. She was bred by OLYMPIADE 003 x BLAUW KAMPIOENTJE.
This is the old breeding base of Leo Heremans! BlLAUWE BERND was bred by Bernhard (Bernd) Kröger, Dinklage, Germany!

DV 07880-23-290
Currently BLAUWE BERND is best breeding cock in the 7Hills-Loft. Several descandents have won first prizes and championships..
DICAPRIA was bred by Willi Hertel. She is a daughter of his top DI CAPRIO-Son 522. 522 is also grandfather of TRIPLE ONE (3times first price in 2019) from Helmut Hainsch.

DV 03577-24-292
The NEW BLAUWE BERND cones from the pairingg BLAUWE BERND x ABRAHMATJE. He looks very simmilary to his father.
BLAUWE BERND is the best breeder in the 7Hills breeding loft. Many children and grandchildren of him have won 1st prices ans championships. ABRAHAMTJE comes from Rolf Huchthausen and she was bred by a Janssen cock and a daughter ABRAHAM from Rudi Diels.

Riks' Euro
NL-71 comes from the super breeder HILBERT from H. Doldersum & Zn.
HILBERT is a son of EURO and grandfather of 1./10389, 1./3280, 1./2291, 1./1793, 1./1575, 1./1376, 1./718, 1./694, 1./619, 1./480, 1./165, 1./115, 2./7832, 2./3579, 4./3579, 5./468, 7./2487, 7./618, 8./3386, 9./3733.
His mother is a daughter of TIJN (1st nat. ace pigeon short distance 2013) as well of DESIREE (10th nat. ace pigeon middle distance 2019) from Gebr. Leideman.

Best Kittel Jo
His father is EXCLUSIVE BEST KITTEL, from the couple BEST KITTEL x mother BEST KITTEL. His children have won 3times 1st price and 16times top ten.
The mother is GEOFFRIA. She is a sister of SUPER GEOF, 6. nat. Ace-pigeon, yearlings, GMD. SUPER GEOFF is father of 1st nat. La Souterr. 14.315 p. GEOFFRIA is halfsister of OLYMPIC MANUELA, world best pigeon allround and olympic pigeon.

B-493 is an excellent cock and he was born on the breeding loft of Rudy Van Reeth. Rudy has bred RUDY'S Kittel from his KITTEL BOLT. KITTEL BOLT is a son of KITTEL and comes from the couple KITTEL x ZUSTER BOLT. He was sold for 16.000 €. The mother of B-493 is a granddaughter of KITTEL.
RUDY'S KITTEL is closely bred on KITTEL. A brother of RUDY'S KITTEL has won in 2019 for Rudy van Reeth 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd ....
KITTEL was 1. asduif KBDB und fastes pigeon in Belgium in "History" and he has won 1st Noyon 805 p. ,1st Souppes 660 p., 1st Quievrain 2029 p., 1st Quievrain 1792 p., 2nd Quievrain 2023 p., 3rd Quievrain 2443 p., 4th Quievrain 2212 p., 9th Quievrain 1934 p..
BOLT was 1. nat. asduif jonge KBDB 2012.

1186 is called MATZE. He is a beautiful cock, bred by Wilfried Villmar from a son of KITTEL.
KITTEL was 1. asduif KBDB und fastes pigeon in Belgium in "History" and he has won 1st Noyon 805 p. ,1st Souppes 660 p., 1st Quievrain 2029 p., 1st Quievrain 1792 p., 2nd Quievrain 2023 p., 3rd Quievrain 2443 p., 4th Quievrain 2212 p., 9th Quievrain 1934 p..
The mother of MATZE is a daughter of VENUS fromn Stefaan Lambrechts. VENUS was 1st nat. asduif SMD KBDB 2018. She has won 2nd/1645 p., 6th/5584 p., 3rd/1303 p., 10th/5197 p., 3rd/548 p., 4th/1563 p.

BASIC BULCK goes back to the origin of GOEDE RODE and BROER GOEDE RODE von Dirk Van den Bulck.
He is an original from Jos Cools, who's pigeons are part of the base of GOEDE RODE and BROER GOEDE RODE. Jos Cools is a top address in Belgium and was 1st nat. champion KBDB short distance 2015.
BASIC BULCK is a half brother of the father of GOEDE RODE. Jos Cools has bred him from a son of WINNETOU and a sister of WINNETOU. WINNETOU was an excellent racing pigeon and has won 21 price cards within the 1st tenth, e.g. 1-2-3-3-3-3-13 and so on. Furthermore he was top breeder and basic cock of Jos Cools.

B18- 6216139
B-6139 comes from the breeding loft of Juul Van Looveren and is a son of BERT, 1st national ace pigeon KBDB, yearlings 2015, short distance. BERT has won 1-1-1-1-2 price and a legendary coefficient of 0,7906 and was olympic pigeon 2017 in Brussels. BERT was winner of 2nd nat. championship KBDB, short middle distance 2015. In total BERT has won 20times a 1st price.

B-0075 comes from the beeding loft of Jos Cools. His father is the famous REMCO, 3rd nat. ace pigeon Sprint KBDB 2018. REMCO has won 1/1245, 2/282, 3/1068, 4/1301, 4/829, 5/1274, 5/1409.
The mother of B-0075 was bred by Gustaaf Boeckmans. She is a granddaughter of BLAUWE STAF, 1st nat. ace pigeon Vitesse KBDB 2016.

B-0071 was bred by Jos Cools. His father is PRIMUS, which has won 7times a 1st price. He was 16th nat. ace pigeon KBDB 2016 and he has won the 1st nat. championship Jonge KBDB 2016.
The mother of B-0071 is VOSKE, a super breeding hen of Jos Cools.
A full brother of B-0071 has won 3times 1st price in 2024 for Jos Cools.

Vollbruder Triple one
Der 379 wurde von der ZG Hillenbrand/Kaiser gezüchtet. Vater ist der 280 aus dem Stammpaar von Helmut Hainsch 679 x 676.
Die Mutter des 379 ist die 1179 von W. Hertel (Enkelin Di Caprio).
Der 379 ist ein Vollbruder TRIPPLE ONE 573 mit 3x 1. Konkurs in 2019.

Breeding hens
Prima Best Kittel
Sie stammt aus dem PRIMUS gepaart mit einer Tochter BEST KITTEL und hat gleich mehrere Astauben in ihrer Ahnentafel:
16. Astaube KBDB 2016, 1. Astaube Grobbendonk 2017, 1. Astaube Tienenverbond 2018, 1. Astaube Grobbendonk 2018, 1/464, 1/402, 1/150, 1/114, 1/93, 1/63, 2/515, 4/514, 5/1304, 5/1951, 8/876, 13/1714, 3/78, 4/183, Miterringer 1. nat. Meister KBDB 2015 jonge sprint
Er wird 1. nat. Astaube KBDB Sprint 2017, 4. nat. Astaube KBDB Sprint 2016

Porsche 937
Die PORSCHE 937 kommt von der SG Hagedorn-Becker-Schwick.
Ihr Vater ist der HABICHT PORSCHE, ein Sohn des PORSCHE 911 von PIPA.
Ihre Mutter stammt aus den bewährten Linien von Leo Heremans (EURO, GILBERT).

Andrea comes from the breeding loft of Teams Schlief-Stiens.
Her father is THE POWER:
2010: 3rd best youngster in union 4-9-11-21-49 price;
2011: Best cock regional 13/13 price cards, 1129 ace points; Winner of 4th national championship yearlings BRD 2011; 7th national championship middle distance BRD 2011; 2-4-6-9-11-16-18-25-35-39-48. THE POWER is a grandson of DE POWER from Leo Heremans.
Her mother is MISS INSIGNIFY:
1st best pigeon in union 2013; 3rd best hen regional 2013; 1-1-3-5;
She is a daughter of the WONDERPAIR from Schlief-Stiens and soister of OLYMPIADE 008; olympic pigeon in Budapest and 5th best yearling of the world. She has won 1-1-1-1-1-3-5-5-9-10-13. price.
The cock of WONDERPAIR is a son of OLYMPIADE 003. The hen of WONDERPAIR is a daughter of EURO. WONDERPAIR combines the basic breeders from Leo Heremans.

Die NL-487 stammt aus dem Supervererber HILBERT der SG H. Doldersum & Zn.
HILBERT ist ein Sohn des EURO und Großvater von 1./10389, 1./3280, 1./2291, 1./1793, 1./1575, 1./1376, 1./718, 1./694, 1./619, 1./480, 1./165, 1./115, 2./7832, 2./3579, 4./3579, 5./468, 7./2487, 7./618, 8./3386, 9./3733.
Ihre Mutter ist eine Halbschwester des TIJN (1. nat. As-Taube Kurzstrecke 2013).

1160 was bred by Bruno Escherich. She is a super hen an granddaughter of SCHONE DIRK from Chris van Massenhoven, father of 15 1st price winners.
Her mother comes from the couple son BOLT x daughter KITTEL.

ABRAHAMTJE was bred by Rolf Huchthausen. A half sister of ABRAHAMTJE was 19th OLR Final DELTA CLUB Ungarn (400 km).
Her father comes from two originals from Gebr. Janssen (line KLAMPER, PRINCES, OUDE VOS).
Her mother is a daughter of ABRAHAM from Rudi Diels.
ABRAHAM is a brother of GOUDHAANTJE and a top breeder. He is father of :
1st ace pigeon yearlings Union Antwerpen 2008
5th ace pigeon Union Antwerpen ZAV in 2012
KAIN, 1st ace pigeon HAFO Union Antwerpen ZAV in 2012 ,
2nd ace pigeon yearlings HAFO Union Antwerpen 2011

DV 02257-20-116
NEW ABRAHAMTJE stammt aus der besten Verpaarung des BLAUWE BERND mit der ABRAHAMTJE.
Der BLAUWE BERND ist derzeit bester Zuchtvogel auf dem 7Hills-Zuchtschlag. Etliche Kinder und Enkel erringen bereits erste Konkurse und zweistellige Preiszahlen.
ABRAHAMTJE stammt von Rolf Huchthausen und stammt aus dessen alter Janssen-Sorte, gepaart mit einer Tochter des ABRAHAM von Rudi Diels.

DV 07880-23-352
BERNDINE stammt aus der besten Verpaarung des BLAUWE BERND mit der ABRAHAMTJE.
Der BLAUWE BERND ist derzeit bester Zuchtvogel auf dem 7Hills-Zuchtschlag. Etliche Kinder und Enkel erringen bereits erste Konkurse und zweistellige Preiszahlen.
ABRAHAMTJE stammt von Rolf Huchthausen und stammt aus dessen alter Janssen-Sorte, gepaart mit einer Tochter des ABRAHAM von Rudi Diels.

DV 03000-22-185
Die 185 stammt aus dem super Zuchtpaar bei Bernd Fischer 370 x To. BLAUWE BERND; 5 Vollbrüder fliegen alleine in 2022 13/13, 13/13, 13/13, 13/11, 13/10 daneben zahlreiche Top-Platzierungen und erste Konkurse in RV und RegV.

Olympic Gusje
Die 223 stammt aus dem aus dem Zuchtschlag von Dir de Beer.
Sie ist Enkeltochter mehrerer Topper, wie B-282, Olympia 147, De GUS und der 1111.
Der B-282 stammt von August Wouters und flog in 3 Jahren 41 Preise, darunter 5x 1. Konkurs. Die Olympia-147 erringt 5x 1. Konkurs und war Olympiadetaube in Posen. DE GUS ist ein Vollbruder des OLYMPIADE 003 von Leo Heremans und Stammvogel bei de Dirk de Beer. Die 1111 war eine top Zuchttäubin aus dem Stammpaar Deleus-346 x To. Kl. Dirk.

Die 236 wurde von Rolf Huchthausen gezüchtet. Ihr Vater ist ein Doppelenkel BLAUWE WINTERJONGE (Gebr. Janssen), ein bewiesener Zuchtvogel bei Rolf Huchthausen.
Ihre Mutter ist eine Tochter DE POWER (Leo Heremans).

217 was bred by Willi Hertel from his basic cock B-22522, a son of DiCaprio from Dirk Van Dyck. 217 is a granddaughter of DiCaprio.
From the basic cock B-22522 came also the mother of TRIPLE ONE from Helmut Hainsch, which has won 3times 1st price in 2019.

ELEKTRA stammt von Wilfried Villmar und flog selber u.a. einen 1. Konkurs.
Der Vater der ELEKTRA kommt aus dem Zuchtschlag von Jos Vercammen. Er stammt aus der Paarung ELEKTRO x SHAKIRA (To. ELEKTRO).
ELEKTRO ist Superbreeder bei Hok Jos Vercammen und Vater/Großvater einer ganzen Reihe von Ausnahmetauben.
Die Mutter der ELEKTRA ist eine Täubin vom Schlag Dirk Van den Bulck. Sie wurde aus einem Sohn des BLAUWE BEER und einer Vollschwester des KITTEL gezüchtet.

Gezüchtet wurde HORSTIE von Willfried Villmar und kam aus dem Bestand von Horst Nachtigall auf den 7Hills-Zuchtschlag. Horstie wurde leider beim Beringen vergessen.
Vater ist ein Enkel der Super-Tauben BLACK POWER und BLACK PEARL von Hardy Krüger.
Die Mutter ist eine Tochter der VENUS (1. nat. As-Taube SMD KBDB 2018) bei Stefaan Lambrechts.

Friedrich Schön züchtete diese hübsche Schimmeltäubin aus Sohn OLYMPIC RICO x Tochter OLYMPIC RICO.
OLYMPIC RICO war 1. nat. As-Taube KBDB youngsters SD 2020 und 1st World best pigeon short distance.

Pitbull Rosita
PITBULL ROSITA was bred by Rudy Van Reeth, who is in close contact to Dirk van den Bulck.
Her father is the "2000", a half brother of KITTEL. He was bred from the super pair BROER GOEDE RODE x OLYMPIC ROSITA and was sold for 25.000 € in an auction of Rudy Van Reeth. A Grandson of "2000" was 1st ace pigeon youngsters in samenspel diamantverbond.
The mother of PITBULL ROSITA comes from a son of PITBULL from Rudy Van Reeth, which has won 6times a first price. His descendants have won more than 75times a first price. The son of PITBULL was couples with a full sister of 10-347 from Stefan Lambrechts, 1. asduif Qui.Brlaar, 6. nat asduif KBDB 2010. She is also full sister of JACKPOT from Eijerkamp, car winner.

Daughter Godfather
She is an excellent hen from the breeding loft of Sven Fierens. Her sisters and brothers have won many first prices. She ist a daughter of the top breeding cock GODFATHER ans a granddaughter of PITBULL 777. GODFATHER is father of 1./583, 1./444, 1./227, 2./396, 2./352, 3./399, 3./286, 3./198, 3./55, 4./521, 5./659, 6./396, 6./171, 7./642, 9./637 and grandfather of 1./1212., 1./1272, 6./532, 7./844. The mother of 328 is SNEEUWITJE. Her children have won 1./1433, 1./434, 1./277, 1./920, 4./561, 4./504, 5./456, 6/442, 7./326, 8./1523, 16./3105

She is a granddaughter of the fameous PITBULL 777 and a top hen from Sven Fierens.
She comes from LEWIS , an orig. Rudy-Van-Reeth cock (father of 6times 1st price winners).
Her mother is a daughter of PITBULL 777 from Rudy Van Reeth. PITBULL 777 was a top racing cock (6x 1. Konkurs) and an fantastic bredderr. His descendants have won more than 75times a first price and wer ace and olympic pigeons. He came from the loft of Karel Laenen.
Her full sister was fastes pigeon from Quievrain (93 km) vs. 13.793 Tb., she has won also 2nd price, Sermaises (350 km) vs. 591 p. 6th price, Sermaises (350 km) vs. 386 p. and also 13th, 14th, 29th, 35th; in total she has won 11 price cards as youngster.

Vale Aske
VALE ASKE was bred by the Van den Bulck pigeons of Falk Jäger.
Her father is a son of VALE AS paired with a daughter of OLYMPIC ROSITA.
Her mother is a granddaughter of GOEDE RODE.
VALE ASKE is a beautiful hen with best Van den Bulck blood.

EDITA stammt aus der Paarung Sohn x Tochter SUPER MARIO, Stammvogel bei Eddy Caluwé. SUPER MARIO erringt 11x 1. Konkurs.

Blauwe Stafje
BLAUWE STAFJE was bred by Peter Rager cloese to BLAUE STAF.
Her father is an original cock from Boeckmans and a son of BLAUE STAF.
Her mother is a full sister of BLAUE STAF.
BLAUE STAF was 1st nat. As-Taube KBDB 2016, Oude Snelheit. He has won 1st Noyon vs. 302 p., 1st Noyon vs. 262 p., 2nd Noyon vs. 256 p., 2nd Quievrain vs. 396 p., 3rd Quievrain vs. 1472 p., 4th Quievrain vs. 834 p.

JOSEFINA kommt aus dem Zuchtschlag der SG Judith und Wolfgang Arning.
Ihr Vater ist der TITELSAMMLER 806, der es mit seinem Nestbruder bei Helmut Hainsch gemeinsam auf 120 Preise gebracht hat. Der TITELSAMMLER 806 ist bei der SG Judith & Wolfgang Arning mittlerweile Top-Zuchtvogel. Seine Kinder waren u.a. 2022 am Gewinn der 1. Verbands-Jungtiermeisterschaft auf Bundesebene beteiligt. Direkte Kinder des 806 erringen für die SG in 2022 erste Konkurse und werden 3., 6. und 10. beste deutsche As-Jungtaube 2022 im Wettbewerb der Zeitschrift "Brieftaubensport International". Die Mutter der 117 ist eine Tochter des Ausnahmevererbers JOSEF bei der SG Fröhlingsdorf.
Die 117 errang als Jungtaube u.a. ab Wertheim (316 km) gegen 3.444Tb. den 3. Konkurs im RegV.

810 comes from the breeding loft of Helmut Hainsch and she is a sister of the top racing cock no. 7, wich has won in total 57 price cards. His sister were best racing hens in union. His father has won 2times a first price. No. 7 was coupled with 291, a granddaughter of KANNIBAAL from Dirk van Dyck and top breeding hen.
2 brothers of 810 have won 13 price cards in 14 races.

Halbschwester Triple one
67 comes from the breeding loft of Helmut Hainsch and she is half sister of TRIPLE ONE DV 03577-17-573, which has won 3times 1st price card in 2019.
573 has won in 2017 7/4, in 2018 13/10, winner of the 1st regional championship yearlings 2018 as well of the 46th national championship yearlings 2018.
In 2019 he has won 6 price cards in 7 races within 3times 1st price cards, 1st, 296 km vs. 1.199 p., 1st, 325 km vs. 1.192 p., 1st, 438 km vs. 849 p. and 2nd regional vs.. 6.365 p.. Then he was stopped. Several brothers of 280 (e.g. 10-253 und 10-339 etc.) were excellent racing pigeons, which have won many price cards in their career. For example DV 3577-10-253 has won the 3rd price card on the nat. race from Wels (>600 km) vs. 19.256 p.
Halbschwester Triple one
Die 40 stammt aus dem Zuchtschlag von Helmut Hainsch und ist väterlicherseits eine Halbschwester des TRIPLE ONE DV 03577-17-573 mit 3x 1. Konkurs im Reisejahr 2019. Der 573 ist Miterringer der 1. RegV-Verbandsmeisterschaft Jährige RegV 412 und Platz 46 auf Bundesebene 2018.
Vater der 40 ist der 280, ein Sohn des Stammpaares 679 x 676. Mehrere Brüder des 280 (z.B. 10-253 und 10-339 etc.) waren ebenso absolute Top-Reisevögel mit mehrfach zweistelliger Preiszahl. Der 10-253 fliegt u.a. den 3. nat. ab Wels gg. 19.256 Tb.
Mutter der 40 ist die 180 von Rolf Huchthausen. Sie ist die Nestschwester des 181, der wiederum Vater des Super-Nestpaares Titelsammler 806/807 ist. Sie stammt aus den alten Janssen-Linien wie PRINCES und DE BEUL.

WILHELMINE wurde von BS-LOFT aus zwei Tauben aus dem Schlag von Helmut Hainsch gezüchtet. Sie ist mütterlicherseits eine Halbschwester des TRIPLE ONE DV 03577-17-573 mit 3x 1. Konkurs im Reisejahr 2019
Der Vater von WILHELMINE ist der REGIO-527, ein Enkelsohn des Stammpaares 679 x 676. Er fliegt insgesamt 32/25 Pr.; 2017: 7/5 Pr.; 2018: 12/8 Pr.; 2019: 13/12 Pr., 942 As-Pkt, davon 483 As-Pkt auf den 5 Flügen über 400 km; bester Vogel im RegV 2019, 1. As-Vogel im RegV 2019, 6. bester Vogel der RV 2019, Miterringer der 1. RV-Meisterschaft 2019.
WILHELMINES Mutter ist die 1179 von Willi Hertel. Sie ist eine Enkelin des DI CAPRIO und Mutter des o.g. TRIPLE ONE 573.

SEVEN HILLS - racing pigeons
Breeding with passion
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